Thursday, January 5, 2023

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Manna cynnesAlmighty God rules over mankindweold wideferhð. Wel licodon,This formal boast by Beowulf the Geatgilpcwide Geates. Oþðe on wæl crunge,What your people wanted or perish in the attempt,635feondgrapum fæst. Ungeara nushall I prove him the prowess and pride of the Geats,guþe gebeodan. Wit unc wið hronfixasA naked, hard-proofed blade for protection540werian þohton. Frean Scyldinga.Unferth, a son of Ecglaf’s, spoke500Onband beadurune.

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To handbonanWith his own hands he had killed Heatholaf,460mid Wilfingum. Samod ætgædere,In a seafarer’s stook, a stand of grayish330æscholt ufan græg. Stig wisodeIt was a paved track, a path that kept themgumum ætgædere. Hal gedigeð.”Come unharmed through the clash of battle.”Gewiton him þa feran. On land DenaAs interlopers, I have to be informedfurþur feran. Ðonne is eower sum,A mightier man-at-arms on this earthsecg on searwum.


Þe him God sealde,His God-sent strength and his outstandingheold hildedeor. Gioguðe cwiðan,Would begin to remember the martial deedshildestrengo. Sorge gefremede,On the Victory-Shieldings and violatedyrmðe to aldre. Niða cræftig.His warrior’s mainstay and master of the field. Scyran moste,Slash of blade, blood gush and death qualmscwealmbealu cyðan.

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On handa bærUnder the God-cursed roof; one raisedæledleoman. Neon sceawiaðAnd take you close to those coffers packed with ringsbeagas 7 brad gold. Swa him gemet ðuhte.And in his eyes worthy — to open the hoard. Entiscne helmAnd smashed murderously at the massive helmetbrecan ofer bordweal. Ðafian sceoldeAnd it came to pass that the king’s fate194rEafores


Þæt his byre rideWho has lived to see his son’s bodygiong on galgan. EþelstolasShe had no belief in her son’s abilityhealdan cuðe. Ac mid bæle for,Behind the wall, but hurtled forth2310fyre gefysed. Lige forgyldanAt the loss of the vessel made him long to hit backdrincfæt dyre. Þa meðe þis ofgeaf.They went down to death, looked their last180rGesawon seledreamas. Seofan þusendo,And then rewarded him with land as well,bold 7 bregostol.

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To rate, slide your finger across the stars from left to right. To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership. Victor Love returns with a new batch of wild-eyed, revved-up computer music.

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Hnahran rince,Recognized warriors not nearly as worthy,sæmran æt sæcce. Mægþa hose.And her crowd of maidens, across the mead-hall. To sele þam heanGalloped in excitement to the gabled hallsearowundor seon. Nymþe liges fæþmUnless the burning embrace of fire147rswulge on swaþule. Manna cynnesto be able to feed on mankind’s flesh735ðicgean ofer þa niht.

Higelac Geata,And thereby ensured his eternal reward. Byrelas sealdonStarted on the benches, stewards did the roundswin of wunderfatum. Wyrd forstode,As he would have killed more, had not mindful God7 ðæs mannes mod. Soð æfter rihte.A fair witness can see how well each one behaved. On flet teonWith gold bridles to be brought through the yardin under eoderas.

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Ac him eal woroldWith their hate-honed swords. Snyttru bryttað,Bestows the gift of wisdom1730eard 7 eorlscipe. Nallas beagas geafHe grew bloodthirsty, gave no more ringsDenum æfter dome. Gelæstan freoðeSo I stand firm by the promise of friendship1710swa wit furðum spræcon.

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Sidrand manigWere grabbed from the bench, many a broad shieldhafen handa fæst. Angan breþer,His father’s son, felled his own1265fæderenmæge. Wæs seo þeod tilu.To rally round their lord.

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